Monday, 21 May 2012

Workshop Details

Clear your diary for
Saturday the 16th of June
to attend not just one, but two hands-on, jump-out-of-your-seat PD opportunities!

"O Behave" and "Let's Play"
Saturday 16 June 2012
at the Raven Street Reserve meeting rooms
O Behave- 12 midday to 3pm (behaviour management strategies that work for me)
I'm not an expert, but you guys have requested a workshop on behaviour mamagement and I'm happy to share what works for me and what I've seen work for others.

Let's Play- 3pm to 6pm
(play-based learning for p-7)
Games engage. Using them throughout the day keeps students on task and makes transition times a breeze... come and learn at least 20 that I've seen working in action.

$30 per workshop or $50 for the two
includes refreshments, afternoon tea, and notes
a student discount is available, contact me for details

Two workshops run back-to-back with a great networking afternoon tea in between.
Bring a folder to lean on because this isn't your average "sit behind a desk for a day" PD!

Places are limited, so RSVP now to secure your place!

A huge apology to anyone who these dates don't suit, I did my best to juggle all the date requests to make as many people happy as possible!

Friday, 11 May 2012


Saturday 16 June 2012

Put it in your diary, and look forward to an afternoon of hands-on learning and networking. There will be two workshops, run back-to-back over an afternoon tea where everyone can mingle. You can decide if you want to "behave", "play" or both. More details to come soon.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Fancy a Date?

The answer to the age-old question "Your place or mine?" has been answered. The answer is mine. For all those brave souls who trekked all the way to the northside from the southside... well I got quotes for "your place" (ie the uni) and found they were about four times more than what I am currently paying. I really don't want to put the prices of the workshops up, so it's back to "my place" again this time.

Now it's just a matter of finalising some dates. I realise that I'm not going to be able to keep everyone happy with whatever dates I select- but I figure if anyone is enthused enough to email me with their preferences for a particular date then they can get their preferences heard.

"Let's Play" and "Oh Behave" workshops... games-based learning and behaviour management workshops run back-to-back so you can attend one or both.

That's up to you... available dates are...
  • June 16th or 17th, 23rd or 24th.
  • July 21 or 22.

I'll finalise dates on Thursday- so it's a case of speak now or forever hold your peace.