Monday, 7 May 2012

Fancy a Date?

The answer to the age-old question "Your place or mine?" has been answered. The answer is mine. For all those brave souls who trekked all the way to the northside from the southside... well I got quotes for "your place" (ie the uni) and found they were about four times more than what I am currently paying. I really don't want to put the prices of the workshops up, so it's back to "my place" again this time.

Now it's just a matter of finalising some dates. I realise that I'm not going to be able to keep everyone happy with whatever dates I select- but I figure if anyone is enthused enough to email me with their preferences for a particular date then they can get their preferences heard.

"Let's Play" and "Oh Behave" workshops... games-based learning and behaviour management workshops run back-to-back so you can attend one or both.

That's up to you... available dates are...
  • June 16th or 17th, 23rd or 24th.
  • July 21 or 22.

I'll finalise dates on Thursday- so it's a case of speak now or forever hold your peace.

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